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Studying abroad can be affordable. Program costs vary greatly depending on the type and length of the program.

Drake University offers various international program models for students, including Drake faculty-led programs, exchange programs, and affiliated programs. The type of program, as well as the length of time of the program, has an impact on the financial and billing model. Please read below about the three financial models:

Financial Models

Short-Term Drake Programs

Drake programs, which are typically faculty-led programs, are held during J-term and tend to be the lowest cost options in the study abroad portfolio. While they are the lowest cost options, they may also be considered an additional expense to the cost of attendance for the academic year. Drake J-term and summer international programs bill students directly for the cost of travel, but not for tuition, since the cost of tuition is included as part of Drake’s spring semester tuition (for students enrolled full-time for the spring term). Students pay the program deposits and program fees through their Drake Student Accounts (online or in-person at the Student Accounts office). Instructions are emailed to students when they are accepted into the program regarding payment amounts, methods, and deadlines.

Students who participate in Drake-led short-term programs see billing costs, schedules, and procedures in their study abroad application. Please also review the full Financial Details for Travel Seminars.

Drake Program bills can be paid using your usual payment method to Drake University, through Drake’s Student Accounts office. Here is an explanation of payment methods for J-term or summer Drake-led programs:

To make a payment online, log into Student Account portal, and follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the “Student Account & Financial Aid” dropdown menu
  2. Click “Make a Payment”
  3. Click the “Deposits” tab near the top of the screen
  4. On the “Select a term” dropdown, choose Spring 202X 
  5. On the “Select a deposit” dropdown, choose the Study Abroad option 
  6. Enter the amount you plan to pay (e.g., the $500 deposit or a partial/full program balance payment) 
  7. Select your payment method:
    1. Electronic check
    2. Debit card (2.85% fee)
    3. Credit card (2.85% fee)
    4. Saved payment methods

You can also mail a check to Drake University. If you mail a check, please include the student's ID number in the memo line, and include some language like, "J-term Travel" so we can credit the correct student account, and apply it to the correct term. Checks should be mailed to:

Drake University
Cashier Office, 104 Carnegie Hall
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA 50311

Short-Term Affiliate & Exchange Programs

Students who apply to J-term or summer Affiliate or Exchange programs are billed by the Affiliate or Exchange partner.  Students will pay the partner directly, and will need to follow their payment deadlines and methods. The exception is that students who participate in a partner program will also be assessed a study abroad fee of $300. Please review the full Financial Details for Short Term Affiliate Programs.

Semester Programs


For semester programs, students are billed Drake University tuition, so the cost of tuition is the same whether the student is in Des Moines or abroad. Students are able to apply their financial aid packages to approved study abroad programs.

Non-Tuition Fees

While a student's tuition is the same when abroad, the non-tuition fees, like housing and international health insurance coverage, are billed at the rate of the university or program abroad. This means that depending on the city abroad, the housing can be more or less expensive than Des Moines. The university abroad will let us know the cost of the non-tuition fees (like housing, international health insurance, and on-site programming fees). We will add this invoiced amount to the student’s Drake Account. 

Study Abroad Fee

Students who participate in an Affiliate program (such as AIFS, SFS, or WorldStrides including ISA and TEAN) are required to pay a study abroad fee in order to "Commit" to the program in the application portal (this occurs after applying, and after being "Conditionally Accepted" to the program). For semester programs, the fee is $500. DU Cohort programs are exempt from this fee.


The student will pay their Drake tuition, host institution's non-tuition fees, and the semester affiliate international programs fee of $500 through Drake’s Student Accounts office with your usual payment method(s). 


Students who participate in semester programs abroad are billed according to Drake’s typical billing cycle. The student's billable expenses are due the first day of Drake’s semester. 

Full Financial Details

Please review the full Financial Details for Affiliate and Exchange Semester Programs or Financial Details for DU Cohort Programs

Additional Information

Financial Aid

Financial aid is generally available to Drake students joining approved international programs. The Office of Financial Aid reviews each student's individual aid package to assess their eligibility and the amounts of aid available to them.

Drake University allows students to take 100% of their loans, grants, and scholarships on approved semester programs. The only exception is that "work study" cannot transfer to international programs.

Generally there is less financial aid available for short-term programs (like J-term and Summer), but you should speak with the Financial Aid Office if you are interested in aid for these terms. 

Please see Financial Aid for more extensive details.


Our office awards more than $100,000 a year in scholarships to Drake students for international experiences. Additionally, we encourage students can apply to study abroad scholarships from outside sources. Read more about scholarships options, and apply early!

Study Abroad Fee

Students who participate in an Affiliate program (such as AIFS, SFS, or WorldStrides including ISA or TEAN) are required to pay a Study Abroad fee once they are conditionally accepted in order to "Commit" to the program in the application portal.

For short-term partner programs, such as J-term and summer, students pay a $300 study abroad fee in order to Commit. For academic year, quarter, and semester partner programs, students pay a $500 study abroad fee in order to commit. Drake University programs and Exchange programs are not impacted by the study abroad fee.

The Study Abroad Fee is in place because there is a lot of support that goes into providing Drake students with a positive study abroad experience. This includes advising on programming (from program selection to financial aid to course approvals, and more), technological services (including our application software that assists with risk management, as well as continued student access to Drake services while you are abroad, like the online library), assistance from the institution in the event of an emergency abroad, and re-entry support like processing the transcript after the student studies abroad. 

Financial Policies

Tuition Exchange or Tuition Rebate 

These programs cannot be applied toward study abroad. Students on the tuition exchange or rebate programs can typically receive Drake financial aid to assist with studying abroad. Please meet with the Financial Aid Office if you have questions. 

Study Abroad Travel Advisory Policy 

In some cases, Drake University financial aid cannot be used to support study in a country where the U.S. Department of State has issued a level 3 or level 4 advisory. Exceptions may be granted by the Provost after consultation with the Risk Assessment Committee.

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February 28, 2025